subRosa Petřín
SOMA Festival Praha 2022 - Sunday 10:00 -12:00 will be happening in Petrin Gardens in any weather
subRosa Petřín
Our two-hour workshop in the Petrin park will be about the relationship between the place and us in the present moment. The program will include our mental recognition of the location, engagement of non-traditional methods of instantaneous contact between our bodies, minds and the environment using movement, drawing, words, and all our and other senses.
Miloš Šejn (CZ)

Born 1947 in Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic, he graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Prague in 1975 . In 1976 Doctor of Philosophy, 1991 appointed professor of painting. In the years 1990-2011 he directed the Department of New Media at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, a visiting professor at the Academies in Aix-en-Provence, Carrara, Ljubljana, Stuttgart, The Hague and Vienna.Milos Sejn works in the fields of visual art, performance and study of visual perception, and conducts workshops, such as Bohemiae Rosa. Sejn's artistic vision formed when he was young, when he took many trips into the wilderness. It embodied an inner need to get closer to the secret of nature and observe the miracles that happen in it. From the beginning of the 1960s he took pictures, drew, collected and described his observations of nature during these wanderings. Sejn's current interest is in the relationship of nature and art as intrinsic needs of the mind, and he focuses on immediate creative possibilities that are based upon relationships between historical humanized landscapes and intact nature. He consciously works in the areas of expressive language among text, visual stroke, body movement, voice, and expansion into space.