Feldenkrais, Breath and Voice on the Way to a Complete Self Image
SOMA Festival Praha 2022 - Sunday 10:00 -12:00
Feldenkrais, Breath and Voice on the Way to a Complete Self Image
"We act in accordance with the image we make of ourselves. I eat, walk, speak, watch and love the way I perceive myself. The self-image we create, is partly inherited, partly instilled in our upbringing, and a third of it is self-education. "(Moshé Feldenkrais)
The unity of all these parts and their interconnection based on the principle of counter-transference makes us human. Whatever happens in the body, affects the self-experience of the whole, including the spirit. The structure of the human system is very complex: each person has an individual biological arrangement (nervous system, skeleton, muscles, tissues, glandular system, senses, skin) - an original system in thinking and action.
We learn to move, perceive, talk and experience the world with others. Yet we remain unique in the composition of our dispositions: the body, its biochemistry, our values, including ways of communication and bodily organisation - even as we absorb them from the environment we live in.
Petra Oswaldová (CZ)

Petra graduated from the Department of Nonverbal and Comedy studies at HAMU and from the Department of Creative Pedagogy at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. For six years she performed Physical Theatre at Archa Theater in Prague. Her interest in authorial work was put to use for several years teaching children at the Alfred ve Dvore Theater in Prague.
Petra finished Feldenkrais® Training Program (2001-2006) at the Feldenkrais Studiengesellschaft Wien and the two-year Feldenkrais® Master Class, specialized in the individual form - Functional Integration (2010-2012). Petra works professionally as a Feldenkrais teacher and practitioner. She leads regular individual and group lessons as well as seminars for professionals and the public. As works as guest teacher at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine in Prague, at the Faculty of Medicine of the OSU in Ostrava, and at the FTVS UK in Prague in the fields of physiotherapy and rehabilitation, and Adult Education courses. In her individual practice she focuses on the Functional Integration and works mainly with children with special needs - DMO, autistic spectrum and ADHD syndrome.
In parallel, she works with adults whose dramas (serious injuries or illnesses) have caused significant restrictions on movement and quality of life. Petra also works with professional athletes. She is the author of the book, "Feldenkrais, Breath and Voice".