Alexander Technique® workshop

SOMA Festival Praha 2022 - Sunday 15:30 -17:00

Alexander Technique® workshop

In our workshop you will learn about the basic principles of Alexander Technique: stopping, directing your energy, and action. Also, how the balance of the head on the spine is of key importance to our posture, balance, and relaxed movement, and to how we feel. Our conscious connections of body, mind, and emotions is strengthened. The secret of upright posture is not in effort and performance, but on the contrary- in release and internal stopping. We experience how it is possible to perform ordinary movements - sitting, standing, getting up and walking - differently than we are accustomed to.

After a short introduction of basic principles, we will apply them on ourselves and in pairs- exercises that show how the Alexander Technique works for you. I look at the world as a whole in which every small change (a small movement, becoming conscious of a harmful habit and removing it) has an effect. This energizes change not only in ourselves but for our surroundings. We are all interconnected and at this time we are in right now, we cannot deny it any more. We all breathe and move together.

Šárka Provazníková (CZ) 

Sarka Provaznikova has nearly two decades of experience with the Alexander Technique and has taught professionally since 2006. She completed a 3-year, full-time training and certification course for individual and group work. In her work, she draws primarily upon AT principles of natural upright design, which she finds absolutely fascinating. 

She is also inspired by her experience with Tai-Chi, Yoga, Meditation, Breath Work, and various types of dances and rituals, and also her psychotherapeutic practise. - tipy na výlet